Professional Martial Arts Teacher?

NAPMA September 26-28, 2008 in Clearwater, Florida

Are you a martial arts professional with your own school?

Would you like to be a more successful martial arts professional with your own school?

The second-most heartbreaking conversations I have with certain friends always revolve around the classic mistake of running a martial arts school like a quirky hobby while at the same time hoping to generate the kinds of success – both personal financial and student quality – that are realized by only the top professionally run martial arts schools in the country.

Some of my associates want to believe in getting fabulous results while only offering less than minimal professional activity. The heartbreak comes from my friends believing that such impossible hopes are possible, and then from their full-of-excuses resisting what I offer them as to how a true ninja master would accomplish overcoming their challenges using the principles of authentic ninjutsu.

There is a science and a skill to running a martial arts school professionally. There is wisdom in seeking out those advances from people who have already made the progress we need to make. Even those people who teach what we consider shallow or impractical or crude or spiritually demeaning martial arts can have much to teach us, if those teachers are clearly making a big impact in the lives of many students and generating a life of abundance doing so.

I encourage any of my friends to go to a convention like this even if only to be in the role-model company of people who feel worthy of serving their community by teaching many students and earning admirable incomes as school owners. Attend to be inspired.


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  1. You definitely have made a point there, Mr. Hayes! I also believe that running a martial arts school, or any kind of school for that matter, requires certain skills, determination, and a strong foundation of the principles that the school aims to teach to its students. One cannot expect to achieve success in this kind of business if he is not willing to explore all possibilities that offer improvement to both the teachers and the services being offered. My advice: seek out every opportunity and don’t be afraid to learn new things from other people.

    More power to you, Mr. Hayes! 🙂

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